Saturday, March 15, 2003

The purpose of publishing this little blog is, hopefully, to inform as to some of the occurrences in the County which don't seem to get much publicity and to encourage participation in the process of good government.
An informed electorate is one of the keys to good government. Comments, inputs and opinions always welcome. I notice a flurry of activity in the Wave over the Budget, etc. - to which I cry "Hurrah."

I remember in the campaigns for the new Council seats many promises of more information, better communications, more input from the public, etc. So far, I believe the only thing I've seen from the Council in the Wave was the Council letter complaining of the Wave's bias.

Recognizing that the new Council has been extremely busy learning their new jobs and attending endless meetings, I would encourage them to begin offering some more open communication.

The Change of Government Optional Plan specified that "Meetings shall be held at a time and place that will best accommodate and encourage public attendance and involvement." Sec 2.09. While some on the Council did try to change the Monday 2PM meeting time of the Commission, the best they got was 3PM for regular meetings and 4PM for "work" meetings - still on Monday. Attendance at these meetings by "the general public" has been sparse. I see now that minutes of the meetings are now appearing on the website

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