Friday, July 29, 2005

Heber City Public Works Study

The U of U Center for Public Policy and Administration recently completed a study of Heber's Public Works future needs due to growth:

"The study concludes that Heber City is on a track for continuous rapid growth.
It is becoming a resort area on its own, as many homebuyers and retirees are being priced
out of Park City and other relatively close resort areas in the West such as Jackson Hole
and Sun Valley. With the increase in home and commercial development, new burdens
will be placed on the Public Works department to provide services to the new and
secondary residents. Unfettered growth in the surrounding unincorporated areas of
Wasatch County will also place large burdens on the city and its public works in terms of
infrastructure demands.
The scenarios provided in the study will show where Heber City will likely be in two
years, five years, ten years and beyond. The following recommendations address
changes that can help the city cope with its demands over the short run – a few years at
best. It is very likely that more strategic, long run plans are needed to deal with expected
growth. "

This report gives an informative comparison with other Western small "cities." It's a sobering analysis for those who are hoping to maintain a "rural" small-town atmosphere.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, with all this coming upon our community I'm sure glad we have such well educated public works employees with a department head with college traing and a degree in engineering and management- as we should expect based on the need and generous salary paid the position. Of course we can relax knowing that this is all managed by our "fully qualified by degree- as defined in the statute" county manager who after all -is one of "us".
