In reverse alphabetical order:
Michael Thurber - 1162 W Countryside Cir; 654-1926; Midway Postmaster; former Planning Commissioner; member Big Box study committee; Wife is Heber City recorder;
Eric Straddeck - 446 N 1300 E; 657-0891; Effective Business Solutions, Inc.; Owner (?) TigerLight, Inc
Kieth Rawlings - 126 W 500N; 657 1999; Planning Commission ; Voted for Big Box on PC
Perry Rose - Former Heber City Police Sergeant; Checker Auto
Robert Patterson - school teacher; wife also
Sandy Mahoney - 418 S 200 W; 654 3244; Board of adjustment; KTMP owner
Shari Lazenby - 809 E 220 N; 654-2964; incumbent; Voted for Big Box
Terry Lange - 1030 N. Willow Way; 654-3568; incumbent; Big Box?
Nile Horner - 777 E 600 S; 6541804; wife on school board
Daniel Drew - 602 E 550 S; 657 9642; teacher; ran against Snow for UT Rep
10 total Primary Sep 11 to narrow to six for November election
Issues: Big Box, Growth, Annexations
2005 Election
For Mayor
David R. Phillips 959 58.12%
Shari K. Lazenby 691 41.88%
For Councilmember Vote for 2
Jeffery M. Bradshaw 921 29.44%
Elizabeth Hokanson 817 26.12%
John Hayes Burns 707 22.60%
Michael Thurber 683 21.84%
2003 Election City Council
Shari Lazenby 547
Vaun A. Shelton 504
Terry Wm. Lange 491
- - - - - - - - -
Michael Thurber 416
Julie Hardman 395
Sherman Christen 352
Big Box comments by candidates June 6, 2005 when the CAP was set at 60,000 sq.ft. on retail business:
Councilmember Terry Wm. Lange – “We came to listen. We have learned from all of you the general way people feel.” He said it was important to him to know how the general pubic felt. He suggested this might be a very long-term ordinance change or it might be very short ordinance change. He indicated he would vote the way most of the public wanted. “I hope, as a City Council, we can take the advice and make the best decision we can.” He thanked those that attended and participated in the Hearing.
In 2006, he voted against the MURCZA ordinance allowing Big Box ???
Councilmember Lazenby indicated she had no opinion for it or against it. “Its not about me, its not about my store.” She indicated she would go with the majority. She reviewed the breakdown of the survey of individual responses. She concluded that the majority was for a cap on retail size buildings. Councilmember Lazenby reviewed her summary of the survey. She commented on page 25 and 38 of the General Plan. She indicated her vote would be for the CAP but because it was not perfect, there needed to be further study. In 2006, she voted FOR the MURCZA ordinance allowing Big Box
2005 election comments
• (Mayoral candidate) Lazenby, 34, wants city government to start treating constituents like customers. Lazenby, who owns a shoe store, said Heber officials should respond better to residents and business owners through "a mission-driven work environment that gives them the authority to perform their jobs more effectively." That approach would help the city "be better prepared to serve and find obtainable solutions" to its problems.
• Kieth Rawlings, 50, wants to make city government "more open through accessible, honest and accountable city officials." Rawlings, who owns a property management company, thinks that "through communication we can develop a better relationship with our business community."
• Mike Thurber, 59, said that projects residents want can't be funded with existing tax revenue. "Without commercial opportunity in the city, seniors and young families on limited incomes are most negatively impacted by rising property taxes to fund special projects." Thurber, a postmaster, wants Heber "to plan ahead for new areas for industry and other commercial growth and then actively pursue new business."
I think the city council sold us down the drain. I believe they're all in the pocket of the Boyer Company. We need a complete house cleaning of city government.