Tuesday, July 10, 2012

School Budget - Fiscal Responsibility

The Board of Education's Statement of Purpose is void of any recognition of financial responsibility, which is inherent in the position and should be acknowledged.   Rather than simply acknowledging the need to help and educate students and working closely, rather than simply "trusting" in the administration, it is absolutely necessary to have verification, questioning, and in-depth knowledge of school finances to fulfill responsibility to the taxpayers.

While the January 2011 Purposes have admirable statements, they shortchange the idea of fiduciary responsibility to the voters and taxpayers who elected them.  Their responsibility might be considered multi-fold -  Students (5,500), Parents (1800), School Employees (700), Residents not in those categories (17,000).

"The responsibility and purpose of the Wasatch County Schools is to help each student develop to their fullest potential.

To achieve this, the schools
must teach thoroughly the fundamental skills of reading, writing, and mathematics, teach students to think independently and clearly, and educate them in a sound body of knowledge that prepares them for the responsibilities of living in a democracy.

The Board of Education is mindful that public
schools have long undertaken other tasks to the extent that its primary functions are not weakened. The school system will strive to assist in the development of character and citizenship, of health and safety, and proper recreational and cultural interests. The schools shall require discipline and hard work, and will attempt to inspire a desire to learn which will carry beyond all formal education.

Public schools have
an equal responsibility to all students, and an obligation to help each student develop to their fullest capacity. The Board recognizes the vital importance of quality in education, and the achievement of excellence in all subjects taught shall be a prime objective.

In order to accomplish these aims, the Board of Education strives to obtain and keep the most competent teaching and administrative staff obtainable:
to provide, with the assistance of the community, facilities which will meet the growth needs of the system; to work closely with the community in keeping the public informed of the program of the schools and the needs of the system, and to formulate and carry out in co-operation with the school staff the educational policies and standards that are necessary to achieve these goals."

Where is fiscal responsibility? Where is the acknowledgment of a need to conserve the taxpayers scarce resources? Yes, the primary function of the Board is to educate the students. But included in that function is following the responsibility of fiscal responsibility. It is commonly said that the best lessons are taught by EXAMPLE – are we teaching the right lessons - in thrift, economics, fiscal responsibility?

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