Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Does Wasatch County NEED a Pool? Now?

Whereas, there is currently a movement promoting the construction of an “Aquatic Center” combined with additional recreation fields,

Whereas, the cost of the project was estimated to be $25 to $30 million, to property tax payers of Wasatch County,

Whereas, this would amount to an average cost of $1,000 for every man, woman and child in the county, for construction and an additional $370 in INTEREST

Whereas, the annual cost of bond payments is shown to be about $100 per year, ($100 per year increase in property tax) for the average priced primary residence;

Whereas, an ADDITIONAL annual operating cost deficit of $400,000 to $800,000 is suggested, and that cost will be ADDITIONAL annual property tax of $25 to $50 per year,

Whereas, local commercial property taxes will increase by twice the residential payer amount,

Whereas, a commercial (or second home) property assessed at $800,000 would have an increase in property tax of $500 per year – solely for the construction and operation of the center.

Whereas, the projected use of the Aquatic Center would only be 10 to 20% of the county residents,

Whereas, there are currently several pools available in Wasatch County,

Whereas, there is an excellent aquatic facility available 20 min away in Kamas,

Whereas, there is an informal petition being circulating supporting this pool movement,

Whereas, there has been discussion of possible inclusion on the November 2013 ballot by the Wasatch County Council.

Whereas, a bond election in 2013 would cost the county (taxpayers) additional $10's of thousands of dollars,

Now Therefore, Be it Resolved that We, the undersigned residents, and taxpayers, of Wasatch County, hereby strongly urge the County Council to resist the call to place this issue on the Ballot, particularly in 2013.

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