Sunday, August 03, 2014

Heber City TAX INCREASE - 31%

With an upcoming "Truth" in Taxation Hearing coming up on August 12 for a 31% increase in Heber City property taxes, due to the proposed $7.5 Million Public Safety building, here a few comparative costs for 'similar' recent buildings in the US.

Sq Ft Cost Population $/sqft $/person
MN Princeton 2012 22,540 $2,050,000 4,674 $91.00 $439.00
NH Bow 2013 30,000 $7,700,000 7,519 $257.00 $1,024.00 Bond Failed
VT Hinesburg 2013 3,500 $1,055,200 4,340 $301.00 $243.00
UT WSU 2014 10,086 $2,500,000 25,000 $248.00 $100.00
MA Wayland
30,000 $5,800,000 13,000 $193.00 $446.00
MN Bayport 2013 20,000 $5,000,000 3,605 $250.00 $1,387.00
MN Waseca 2013 26,000 $2,300,000 9,434 $88.00 $244.00 Remodeled Store

20,304 $3,772,171 9,653 $204.00 $555.00

UT Heber
22,000 $7,700,000 12,260 $350.00 $628.00

8% 104% 27% 72% 13% % higher than avg
  • WSU is Weber State U.  and the population is student enrollment.
  • Notice the the people of Dow, NH killed the bond vote. (req'd 2/3).  At least one other was were voted on, but Heber did not offer that option.
  • Some were combined Fire and Police
  • Heber proposal is twice the average in cost, 72% higher per sq.ft. and 13% higher per capita
  • Notice Waseca was a remodeled Store, but I guess we can't say anything now about a remodeled school
  • People also need to remember that in 2011 Heber passed a resolution to "Study" Public Safety - and failed to even initiate the study.  (see the previous post)
Addendum: Pleasant Grove Utah, Vote failed by over 2 to 1 margin, cut cost and trying again.
UT Pleasant Gr 2013 ?? $19,000,000

UT Pleasant Gr 2014 49286 $14,980,505 35,000 $304.00 $428.00

     HC comp

95% 185% 13% 32%

change -21%

Addendum 2: Kaysville, UT     Vote Failed  57% to 43% in 2010, ignoring vote 2014
UT Kaysville 2010

Lost 57%
UT Kaysville 2014 20,000 $5,500,000 27,000 $275.00 $204.00

     HC comp

-29% 120% -21% -68%

Disclaimer: I am not necessarily opposed to a new facility, merely the cost, size and adding the Justice Court, which could be handled IN, or BY, the Wasatch County Court facility.     PERHAPS, half the size/cost MIGHT be appropriate. 

For more info and details, check these links:

December 12, 2012, Princeton, Minn The city of Princeton has ordered plans and specifications to be drawn up to construct a 22,540 sq. ft. public safety building at an estimated cost of $2.05 million.
The estimate does not include design fees, any subsurface investigation and/or soil corrections, de-watering, furniture/fixtures, equipment and exterior door card access. The $2.05 million estimate also does not include three additions the council is considering adding to the consultant’s plan sheet – bituminous paving of the rear parking and driveway area (estimated at $50,000), underground roof drainage system to send water to existing storm water pond (estimate $8,000), and an additional 15-foot-wide bay to house trailers (estimate $80-90,000)

A public safety committee, consisting of representatives of the police and fire departments and the city, had been looking for some years at spending nearly $6 million on such a structure
(population 4,674)

Bow, NH pop 7,519
2/3 vote required

The Public Safety Facility Committee was created by the Board of Selectmen to assist in the decision making process as the design of the new Public Safety Facility evolves, and to report its progress to the Board of Selectmen. A plan was presented to the 2013 Annual Town Meeting to construct a new facility. The request did not receive an affirmative vote. The Board of Selectmen is currently considering plan revisions and will present a proposal at the 2014 Town Meeting.

The 30,000-square-foot facility would have housed the town’s police and fire departments and been located on the town’s sledding hill, at the intersection of Knox and Logging Hill roads. It would have replaced the two buildings where the departments now operate, both of which officials say are dangerously outdated.

The project would have been the first phase in developing a town center, which would also include a community building and commercial and green space and which has been in the town’s long-term plans for nearly two decades. Voters last year approved – by a 70 percent majority – $240,000 to design the facility.
Officials have pointed out several structural problems at the existing fire and police facilities. The fire department is not handicap accessible and has serious water leaks and shoddy wiring. The fire trucks parked there have to be customized simply to fit inside the parking bays. The police department has no secured parking space for officers who arrive with detained individuals, no holding cells, only one bathroom and no means to separate youth and adults or men and women, as required by law.


Hinesburg, VT
On the March 5, 2013 ballot Hinesburg voters approved an article asking voters to authorize bonds in the amount not to exceed $1,055,200 to complete final design and construction of a new police station.

WSU to get new public safety building

Feb 2014
The one-story, 10,086-square-foot building will boast a state-of-the-art emergency operations center. The facility will also serve as the 911 dispatch center for the university, as well as a backup center for Weber and Morgan counties, which includes nine surrounding cities. A few of the features include backup generators, solar-powered equipment and an analog phone system in case of an emergency.
Construction costs for the new building are estimated at $2.5 million.

Wayland Public Safety Building | Colantonio: Massachusetts ...
  • Wayland, MA. This 30,000 square foot new construction cost $5.8 million and was designed by Finegold Alexander and Associates. This new, multi-level, ..
Waseca MN The renovations are being paid for by a low-interest loan of more than $2.3 million from the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development.

The main lobby, which will be on the west side of the building, will include public restrooms, a safe place for estranged parent to exchange children and community training room that will occupy 1,900 square-feet of the 26,000 square-foot building.
The lobby will have access the Fire Department on the north side of the building. It will occupy 12,500 square-feet and the Police Department to the south side will occupy 11,500 square-feet. The main parking lot will include 57 parking stalls.


Bayport considers $5 million public safety building

November 7, 2013
Bayport MN 20,000 sq ft

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