Sunday, February 21, 2016

Airport Ma$ter Plan$

An Analysis of the Necessity of a Heber Airport Master Plan
(planned for FY 2017, beginning July 2016 at a proposed $300,000)
Based on Airport Master Plans AC No.: 150/5070-6B Date: 1/27/2015 (quotes in italics)

It appears that the primary purpose of an Airport Master Plan is to support the modernization or expansion of existing airports. This expansion was already proposed ten years ago, and 'defeated' through the opposition of local residents. However, the issue seems to be in the process of rejuvenation.

104. FUNCTION OF MASTER PLAN STUDIES a. Airport master plans are prepared to support the modernization or expansion of existing airports or the creation of a new airport. The master plan is the sponsor’s strategy for the development of the airport.

It has now been declared this is a “safety upgrade” and NOT an expansion by the (ADVISORY) Airport Board. This push is partly rationalized as needed because jet operations are now exceeding the 'critical Design' factor of “500 annual operations”

Critical (Design) Aircraft – The most demanding aircraft with at least 500 annual operations that operates, or is expected to operate, at the airport.
Operation – The landing, takeoff or touch-and-go procedure by an aircraft on a runway at an airport.

By way of explanation, ONE aircraft making ONE five minute flight, five days a week would meet the 500 annual operation criteria. Stated another way, ONE active jet can be used to justify consideration of a $30 Million airport.
There are less onerous, and expensive, studies that could accomplish any needed purpose. It is unknown to this writer when the last Master Plan was completed, but decade old attempt toward a CII operation likely was introduced by a Master Plan of some type.

Pg 6 An airport master plan is a comprehensive study of the airport and typically describes short-, medium-, and long-term plans for airport development. Master planning studies that address major revisions are commonly referred to as “Master Plans,” while those that change only parts of the existing document and require a relatively low level of effort tend to be known as “Master Plan Updates.”
As to an update, a even less complex plan could be an appropriate alternative. Under the recent situation of the $1 million plus purchase of the Maverik property might have been accommodated through an Airport Layout Plan Update to study the use of a displaced threshold to create the desired runway safety area improved.

Airport Layout Plan Updates –
An update of the ALP drawing set will reflect actual or planned modifications to the airport and significant off airport development.
. . .An ALP drawing set update is an appropriate alternative to a full master plan whenever the fundamental assumptions of the previous master plan have not changed.

Pg 7 If there have not been any major changes in airport activity or improvements that have had unanticipated consequences, a master plan update is not necessary. Another situation where only an ALP update would be appropriate is the examination of a single development item, such as runway safety area improvements.

Determining Type of Study – Deciding whether the study in question will lead to a master plan or to an ALP update largely determines the elements to be included and the required level of effort. Even at this early stage of the process, the airport sponsor and the FAA should be able jointly to determine what type of study is appropriate. The sponsor usually will not make decisions regarding specific variations on the basic study type until the consultant has come on board. Although a master plan study will always include a technical report and an airport layout plan drawing set, supplemental products, which may often be related to public outreach efforts, will usually be determined during the scoping process.

Rather than a STUDY of any possible safety solutions, Heber City simply phoned the FAA who dismissed the idea with little consideration. The result was the loss of a tax-paying business and the purchase of the land to facilitate more weed growth, and the expense of $30,000 allocated tax money to determine a price.

Pg 17 The first task in a master plan study, after the consultant receives a notice-to-proceed, is the creation of a public involvement program

If, or when, Heber opts to continue with the $300,000 study the public will witness new promotions of the benefits of spending $30 MILLION tax dollars on a new expanded CII airport. Most benefits, if any, will be calculated using generous 'multiplier' effects. In reality some benefits might accrue to VERY FEW individuals or businesses.

What type is Heber 36U? One report says “regional.” As the table included in the footnotes demonstrates, it is a very small operation. This reference indicates not much of study should be required for an entity of this size:

Pg 42 3) General Aviation and Reliever Airports
Where the 5- or 10-year forecasts exceed 100,000 total annual operations or 100 based aircraft:
a) Forecasts differ by less than 10 percent in the 5-year forecast and 15 percent in the 10-year period, or
b) Forecasts do not affect the timing or scale of an airport project, or
    1. Forecasts do not affect the role of the airport as defined in the current version of FAA Order 5090.3, Field Formulation of the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems.
When the 5- or 10-year forecast is for less than 100,000 total annual operations or 100 based aircraft, the forecast does not need to be reviewed at FAA Headquarters, but the data should be provided to the FAA for the annual update of the TAF.

AFTER the Master Plan (to support) has begun the public will be brought in to express their “concerns” I would suggest the appropriate time to express those concerns is BEFORE the $300K Master Plan is ever begun.

401. TIMING Public involvement has its greatest impact during the early stages of the planning process, before irreversible decisions have been made and while many alternatives can be considered. When the stakeholders become involved before major decisions or commitments are made, the planners can better deal with issues of community concern and improve the chances of reaching a consensus on controversial matters. If stakeholders become aware that the important decisions were made before they were invited to participate, they may distrust the planners. In addition, when public involvement opportunities are not provided until late in the planning process, there may not be enough time to make significant changes. The tendency, instead, will be for planners to merely defend previously determined courses of action, rather than exploring any new alternatives. An effective public involvement program will usually avoid such an undesirable outcome.

Propaganda meetings will come with push polls, etc. finance with the Master Plan expansion promotion (The public can give them some opinions up front! Heber Airport)

Pg 79 The emphasis in airport planning is normally on the expansion and improvement of existing airports

Pg 123 Information on the future airport expansion and improvement contained in an airport master plan should be incorporated into the development of comprehensive land use plans to ensure land use compatibility around airports.

Data Effective Date: 02/04/2016
Based Aircraft
Single Engine (SE):

Multi Engine (ME):
Jet (J):
(SE + ME + J)


Air Carrier:

Air Taxi:
General Aviation Local:
General Aviation Itinerant:
Operations for 12 Months Ending: 01/01/2012

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