Saturday, August 05, 2006

Initial Survey Response

An online survey is being taken at Wasatch Growth Survey. It began on July 19, 2006. To date (Aug 6) the responses has been very consistent and the comments defining "rural" and benefits and problems with new developments and miscellaneous remarks have generally been quite insightful and apparently sincere.

The survey was 'promoted' through word of mouth, two letters to the Wave and comments on the local radio station KTMP 1340. Response was available to anyone willing to participate and, hopefully, self limited to Wasatch County residents. Individual responses indicate this to be successful. One apparently facetious comment was submitted yesterday in the "Too little" growth category with some humorous (?) comments.

1. How would you rank residential growth rate in Wasatch County?
Too much 58 - 81% Too little 1 - 1% About right 13 - 18% Total 72

2. Is Wasatch County government on the right track in managing growth?
Yes 10 - 14% No 61 - 86% Total 71

3. Please define "rural" in respect to growth in Wasatch County.
Total Number of Comments 62

4. What should be the smallest lot size in the unincorporated county?
1/3 acre (15,000 sq ft) 10 - 14% 1/2 acre (22,000 sq ft) 10 - 14% One acre 25 - 35% Five acres 27 - 38% Total 72

5. What housing density should be allowed in the RA-1 zone (RA = Residential Agricultural), that is how many houses would be allowed on, for example, 30 acres?
30 houses 19 - 27% 15 houses 8 - 11% 6 houses 30 - 43% 60 houses 10 - 14% 22 houses 3 - 4% Total 70

6. What do you see as the benefits of new developments?
Total Number of Comments 65

7. What problems do you foresee with new developments?
Total Number of Comments 66

8. Should "Open Space" be required in a development and, if so, how much?
No 3 - 4% Yes, 50% 25 = 34% Yes, 20% 7 = 9% Yes, depends on the area. 39 = 53% Total 74

9. How long have you lived in Wasatch County?
Generations 14 = 19% 25 to 50 years 19 = 26% 10 to 25 years 24 = 32% less than 10 years 17 = 23% Total 74

10. How much land do you currently own in Wasatch County?
Less than one acre 24 = 32% one to five acres 25 = 34% 5 to 20 acres 15 = 20% 20 to 100 acres 5 = 7% More than 100 acres 1 = 1% None 4 = 5% Total 74

11. Would you support a law that limited the property taxes (current level plus a small allowance for inflation) on your home for as long as you owned it but would allow new sales to be taxed at a higher, market rate?
Yes 52 = 75% No 17 = 25% Total 69

12. Please add any other comments.
Total Number of Comments 48

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