Showing posts with label salary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label salary. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Open Letter to HLP Faux Pay Recipients

Dear Mayor Philips (and Council),

I apologize that I forgot our anniversary on February 22. It has now been over a year since you personally promised me, and other Heber Valley residents, in a video taped HL & P meeting to refund your February in-lieu-of faux “health care” benefits from Heber Light and Power as a pittance of unacknowledged remorse. (primarily for getting caught)

It was recently discovered that, in addition to refusing to return the ratepayers money you received for a few months in 2011 and 12 AND retroactively for six months, you also did not fulfill your vow to return the February $1687 “insurance” payment. Instead you merely did not accept your regular monthly pay of $596, thereby pocketing an extra $1091 for you monthly 90 minute meetings, and 'direction'.

At this point, I would strongly suggest one of three options:
  1. With your next Mayor's Corner, offer an apology with a copy of the return check for the $12,900 in faux pay. ('If I knew people would be so upset, we wouldn't have done.' as you said on KUTV, is not an apology.)
  2. Donate $17,900 to the Half million dollar Veterans Memorial fund as a return of funds and an appropriate penalty - that might give you a tax deduction.  
  3. Join us on the Impact program to offer an apology and explanation.  If you bring a check with you, we would be happy to return the money to Heber Light for you.
I look forward to your positive response. 

For Mayor Tatton, a check for $11,600 and an apology would also be appropriate. or a donation of $16,600 to the Memorial Hill Restoration fund.  It was good to see you did forgo four months of regular pay to offset your Feb 2012 faux pay, better fulfilling Mayor Philips' vow.  You, too, are cordially invited to join us on the radio, you can even come at the same time as your cohort, if you like.

PS to the City Council(s): As two of the members of the current Council have return these questionable funds, two did not receive and one, Robert Patterson, has not, I call on you to collectively pass a resolution of censure for these actions and call for an immediate return of the ill-gotten gains.   Former Councilman Nile Horner's lack of repayment should not be forgotten.

Your fellow Heber citizens may be surprised to learn you have not already taken action to do so. As this is an election year, I would suggest not taking voter apathy as acquiescence or approval.

If a petition requesting such a censure request is needed, that might be arranged.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Area Police Salaries

A rough analysis of the comparative salaries of Law Enforcement in the local area. Data SOURCE

  • In an economic downturn, local governments need to cut back spending and have done so - right?
  • Heber City Police are underpaid - right?
  • Wasatch County pay is lower than Heber and surrounding areas - right?

Apparently NOT, but draw your own conclusions:
(Note: two averages are given for Park City as their Police Chief salary, $129,535, affects the averages far more than in other jurisdictions) Click on individual locations for full salary list.

Is it time for consolidation of law enforcement forces?

Aug 2008Aug 2009change
Heber City



Park City


Without Chief

Wasatch County



Summit County



Duchesne County



$642,357No data






Thursday, August 06, 2009

Wastch County Payroll Update

THE TOP TEN (of 274)
Michael Davis COUNTY MANAGER $105,397 up $16,531 +18.6%
Phil Wright HEALTH DEPARTMENT $104,330 up $6,699 +6.9%
Dennis Hansen PREVENTION $98,334 up $11,843 +13.7%
Alfred Mickelsen PLANNING & ZONING $91,386 up $2,520 +2.8%
Kent Berg PUBLIC WORKS $90,791 up $7,732 +9.3%
Thomas Low ATTORNEY $86,586 up $5,362 +6.6%
Don Wood GIS-DATA PROCESSING $82,859 up $5,134 +6.6%
Paul Wilson ENGINEERING $80,870 up $5,002 +6.6%
Scott Hathcock SHERIFF $80,475 not top ten
Tracy Richardson HEALTH DEPARTMENT $76,252 up $4,816 +6.7%
Source    Previous Report 2007

Heber City Salary Update -2009

The Top Ten 
Mark Anderson  **City Manager**    $97,737 up $2,224 +2.3% 
Edward Rhoades **Chief Of Police** $79,568 up $2,245 +2.9%
Bart Mumford ***Engineer*** $78,363 dn $ 614
Steve Tozier *Director Public Works* $72,378 up $5,732 +8.6%
Jason Bradley **Police Sergeant** $68,099 up $2,425 +3.7%
Wesley Greenhalgh *Building Official* $67,481 up $921 +1.4%
J.m. Smedley ***City Attorney*** $66,310 up $1,952 +3.0%
Mike Clegg ***Sergeant Police*** $66,145 up $6,092 +10.1%
Donald Blackburn *Building Inspector* $60,044 not top 10
Anthony Kohler Senior Planner $58,318 not top 10
Source   Previous Report 2008